We only breed blue eyed ragdolls in sealpoint, bluepoint, flamepoint, tortie and lynx. We do not recognize “sepia or mink” cats, or any cat without blue eyes.
Ragdolls are born all white and their colors and patterns come in over time. I am posting pictures of different colors and patterns of kittens (ages 8-24 weeks old) there will be a separate page dedicated to adult ragdolls so that you can see the difference.
Bluepoint bicolor
Bluepoint mitted
Blue colorpoint
Sealpoint bicolor
Sealpoint mitted
Seal colorpoint
Flamepoint bicolor
Flamepoint mitted
Bluepoint mitted tortie
Bluepoint bicolor tortie

Sealpoint mitted tortie
Sealpoint bicolor lynx
Bluepoint mitted lynx
Bluepoint bicolor lynx
Sealpoint mitted lynx
Sealpoint bicolor lynx